Media Press
Our project has been covered by the Washington Post; Channel 8 News; Fox 5 News; WTOP News; local NPR station WAMU 88.5 FM; and local community newspapers such as The Takoma Voice and the Gazette.
Links to these along with video links to our testimony before the Takoma Park City Council and the Montgomery County Board of Education follow:
January 20th, 2015
Washington Post
“Montgomery Council approves ban on plastic foam containers and ‘peanuts'” by Bill Turque
[we’re not mentioned in this article but testified in support of the County bill and worked with Councilmember George Levanthal on his previous resolution restricting use of polystyrene in county cafeterias, which laid the groundwork for this bill]
December 16th, 2014
Silver Chips Online (Montgomery Blair High School’s Online Newspaper)
“Takoma Park passes comprehensive ban against polystyrene eating-ware” by Aidan Keys
November 25th, 2014
Takoma Voice
“Young Activist Victory” by Brandie Peterson
November 19th, 2014
Docs in Progress
“I Don’t Want to Live on Mars: The Young Activist Club of Takoma Park” 3.54 min documentary by Monica Sanjur, Chatto Kladkemthong, and Stephanie Norton
November 12th, 2014
“Takoma Park passes polystyrene eating ware ban” by Kevin James Shay
October 16th, 2014
The Sentinel Newspapers
“Takoma Park puts a fork in it” by Diana Kelly
October 14th, 2014
“The Young Activist Club speaks out #BanTheFoamMoCo” by Montgomery County Councilmember Hans Riemer
October 2014
Takoma Park newsletter, Volume 53, No. 10, pp. 1, 11
“City prepares for ban on polystyrene packaging for eateries” by Nima Upadhyay and Brenda Platt
September 12th, 2014
Takoma Voice
“GRANOLAPARK: Compost under stress” by Gilbert
May 18th, 2014
Washington Post
“Montgomery schools ending the era of the foam lunch tray” by Donna St. George
May 7th, 2014
“New school lunch trays balance price, environment” by Lindsay A. Powers
February 4th, 2013
mymcmedia (montgomery community media)
“YAC to Testify at Takoma Park Meeting (Video)”
December 9th, 2012
Washington Post, Metro Section, pp. C1, C5
“Foam Fight! On the subject of disposable lunch trays, student activists and schools may disagree” by Lynh Bui
July 18th, 2012
Maryland Community News Online
“Board to monitor school system’s carbon footprint: Piney Branch Elementary still doesn’t get a dishwasher”
by Jen Bondeson
September-October 2011
“Bethesda Green Gala”
October 12th, 2011
Montgomery County Gazette
“Bethesda Green Honors Groups for Positive Environmental Efforts”
October 5th, 2011
Bethesda Green Gala
Young Activist Club wins Green Award!
“2011 Bethesda Green Gala Highlights”
October 6th, 2011
Bethesda Patch
“A Night of Green at Roundhouse Theater”
November 11th, 2010
Takoma Voice
“Young Activist Club to receive award”
May 24th, 2010, 10 pm
NewsChannel 8
Tiffany Wilson
“Students Battle School Board Over Styrofoam Trays”
May 24th, 2010, 4:30 pm
NewsChannel 8
“Parents to Fight Another Round of School Cuts”
Young Activist Club Press Release for March 23rd Resolving the Food Fight: Community Forum on Lunch Trays and Healthy Schools
March 24th, 2010
Capital News Service TV
March 24th, 2010
WAMU 88.5 FM
Grade School Students Reject Styrofoam Lunch Trays
by Elliot Francis
scroll down page about 2/3
March 24th, 2010
Food fight: Students oppose styrofoam lunch trays
by Michelle Basch
see below for mp3 files of the two stories that aired
March 23rd, 2010
Fox News
Md. School Kids Say No to Styrofoam in Lunchroom
by Will Thomas
February 3rd, 2010
County Youth Town Hall Meeting, Rockville, MD
aired live by County Cable Montgomery (CCM) station,
search by 7 pm and date:
Anna testified on behalf of the club and garnered the biggest applause of the evening
November 11, 2009
Board of Education testimony available online:
Our testimony begins 14:15 minutes into the proceedings
October 10, 2009, DC Green Festival
AFP video clip of Young Activist Club building giant trash sculpture:
July 28, 2009, WAMU local NPR radio news:
July 28, 2009, Baltimore Sun blog:
July 27, 2009, Board of Education testimony available online:
July/August 2009, Takoma Voice: “Tray Chic” article, page 38.
[article no longer available online]
June 8, 2009, Washington Post article,
“Early Lesson in Eco-Activism Comes From Economics Book — Kids Seek Reusable Trays; Officials Cite Cost”
June 10, 2009, Gazette article, “Young activists take stand on Styrofoam lunch trays”:
June 15, 2009, Rush Limbaugh morning radio address ridicules us. Hey, we’ve made it to the big time!! He’s mean, don’t you think?
Rush’s radio remarks: for link go to
June 7, 2009, Takoma Park City Council passes resolution:
June 7, 2009, we testify at City Council hearing. Here’s a link to the video of us testifying:
The club was also instrumental in helping to save the Piney Branch pool.
Here’s our petition from that campaign: