YAC in Washington Post!
The Young Activists Club were once again quoted in an article, this time in the Washington Post, also about the pilot project at Francis Scott Key Middle School. They once again discussed how Montgomery County is attempting to transfer from polystyrene (styrofoam) trays to cardboard trays.
Margot Bloch was quoted in the article saying, “It’s a really good step to move from polystyrene to paper trays, but we would still like to see our dishwasher pilot happen.”
As Margot said, it is a good step to get rid of polystyrene trays, but it would save us more money to go to reusable trays.
You can read the full article here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/montgomery-schools-ending-the-era-of-the-foam-lunch-tray/2014/05/18/3f083244-d537-11e3-8a78-8fe50322a72c_story.html